Black-headed Gull.
Golden Oriole.
Blue Tit.
Collared Dove.
Greater Spotted Woodpecker.
Lesser Whitethroat.
Wood Warbler.

Studio Aves.

Studio Aves.

Studio Aves.

← Projects← Studio Aves.

Studio Aves.

The Communications Store.

with Pencil

Identity design

Working with Jenny Dyson, of Pencil (a London-based content creation agency) to refresh the visual identity of The Communications Store, a development and communications company for the fashion and retail industry. The challenge was to find a creative solution for the longform company name, as well as for the acronym ‘TCS’ and the company’s various divisions.

The longform wordmark, sits within an extended lozenge
The brand's acronym defines the width of the smallest lozenge
Additional words and divisions can be pieced alongside the short and longform lozenges

A hexagon lies as the foundational-form of the system, with the ability to link the various divisions together. In addition, a suite of decorative patterns were generated.

Embossed TCS stamps on the reverse of business cards
Use of patterns across glass panels at the TCS offices, Kensington, London

In addition, a suite of decorative patterns was generated, and have been applied effectively at the agency’s London office, and on bags, stationery and business cards. homepage makes use of the brand's primary typeface, Brandon Grotesque Black

Typeface(s) in use:

  • Brandon Grotesque Black
  • Romain BP Text Regular and Italic
TCS offices, Kensington, London